To make your time with us as comfortable as possible we suggest you bring the following items as appropriate:
•A dressing gown and slippers
•A hairbrush or comb
•Paper tissues
•A towel, flannel, soap, shampoo etc.
•A toothbrush and toothpaste or denture cleaner and container
•Dentures and pot labelled with your name (a pot can be provided on request)
•Spectacles and hearing aid if you need them - labelled or marked with your name
•Sanitary protection if you think you will need it
•Money to buy newspapers and other things from the hospital shop and trolleys and some change for the telephone
•The name, address and telephone of your next-of-kin or nearest friend
•Books to read, writing materials, stamps etc.
•Your hospital notes
•Any medication you may be taking - make sure you bring enough for the duration of your stay
•Any special treatment cards such as those for steroid or warfarin treatments
You may also like to bring some loose, light clothes for day wear.