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Infection prevention & control

The Infection Prevention and control of infection has always been a top priority within Liverpool Women’s. Robust systems are in place to monitor the effectiveness of infection prevention and control practices and to monitor the number of infections that occur. The Trust embraces "lessons learnt" from all reviews undertaken.

  • Infection Prevention & Control Team
    Our Infection Prevention & Control Team supports our commitment of achieving the highest standards of hygiene across the Trust.

    The Infection Prevention and Control Team consists of 5 members:-
    • Director of Infection Prevention and Control/Consultant Microbiologist
    • Infection Prevention and Control Practitioner
    • Infection Prevention and Control Nurse
    • Infection Prevention and Control Neonatal Nurse
    • Infection Prevention and Control Analyst/Policy Officer
    General information on Infection Control is provided in this leaflet.
  • Hand hygiene

    Hand hygiene remains at the top of the list to help prevent the spread of infection. Our Infection Prevention and Control Team promote the importance of hand hygiene through training, 'point of care' poster campaigns and continuous audit. All visitors to the hospital are reminded of the importance of cleaning their hands. Whilst it is important that you wash your hands with soap and water when they are dirty, cleaning them with alcohol gel on entering and exiting a clinical area will help to prevent the spread of germs during your visit.  A poster campaign is in place in all communal areas of the Trust promoting hand hygiene.

    Further information can be found in the Hand hygiene Leaflet. 

  • MRSA

    MRSA is a resistant variant of the common skin commensal organism Staphylococcus aureus. Infection in a patient who carries MRSA on their skin is prevented by rigid adherence to standard policies for wound care, intravenous line and urinary catheter care. 

    In 2021/22, the Trust reported no cases of Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) bacteraemia compliant with the target set by the Department of Health. The Trust has only reported two of these infections in the past 10 years.

    Further information can be found in the MRSA Leaflet

  • Clostridium difficile

    Clostridium difficile (C difficile) is the commonest cause of healthcare acquired diarrhoea in the UK and can be related to antibiotic usage. National mandatory reporting of this condition has been in place for a number of years, the Trust reported no cases of C difficile in 2021/22. This is less than the prescribed target for this infection and a lower incidence of disease compared to other Trusts in the region or nationally.

    Further information can be found in the C difficile Leaflet.

  • Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE)

    Multi – drug resistant bacteria that have emerged in parts of the world as a major risk to patients are now being identified in the UK. In particular organisms which are resistant to the powerful Carbapenem antibiotics are becoming increasingly common, although they remain rare at LWH. These organisms are often referred to as 'CPE'. Patients who have previously been in hospitals abroad or in the UK may require screening to detect carriage of these resistant organisms.

  • Organism and Infection Surveillance

    Meticillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) screens are undertaken on patients who are transferred from other hospitals and on emergency and elective admissions (except day case surgery). Carbapenamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) screens are also undertaken on all patients in high risk groups.

    The Team also review and collect data on all infections throughout the Trust which includes Surgical Site surveillance.

  • Outbreaks of infection

    There have been no major hospital-wide outbreaks of infection during 2021/22.

  • Reporting performance

    Recorded monthly figures on infection control within the Trust are placed on the Infection Prevention & Control notice board located in the main foyer of the Trust. We also report our annual performance in the Infection Prevention & Control Annual Report

  • Cleaning

    Ensuring that our wards and departments are kept clean is vital to preventing the spread of infections and is something we take very seriously. We monitor cleaning in a number of ways. Our facilities staff ensure standards of cleanliness are maintained and monitored across all areas of the hospital.

    Every area has a matron who is a senior nurse/midwife who, together with ward managers, liaises closely with the cleaning services team to maintain high standards of cleanliness. Matrons and Ward Managers also check cleanliness on a regular basis. Every six months our Infection Prevention & Control Team and ward staff carry out a detailed environmental inspection. The Trust participates in the national Patient Led Assessment of the Care Environment (P.L.A.C.E) programme. This assessment is carried out by members of the public for external, internal and outpatient areas.

    If a patient has an infection that may potentially risk being transmitted to another patient, additional cleaning, isolation and barrier nursing is carried out in line with national guidance on infection prevention & control. Patients and visitors can help us to keep clean and tidy by disposing of any litter thoroughly.

    We also ask that if any patients or visitors have any concerns about the standard of cleanliness on any of our wards that they contact a member of staff or the Patient Facilities Manager on 0151 702 4150 immediately.

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