Notice of Election 2024
The Trust gives notice that it will hold elections to the Council of Governors of the Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust.
The Notice of Election can be viewed here.
We have vacancies in the following constituencies:
Public: Central Liverpool
Public: Knowsley
Public: North Liverpool
Public: Sefton
Public: Rest of England and Wales
Staff: Administration, Clerical, Managers, Ancillary and Other Support Staff
Staff: Scientists, Technicians and Allied Health Professionals
- Online: https://secure.cesvotes.com/V3-2-0/u1855_1/en/login?bbp=86990&x=-1
- Telephone: 0208 889 9203
- Email: ftnominationenquiries@cesvotes.com
- Text: Text 2FT LW and your name and address to 88802
- Post: Civica Election Services - The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London. N8 0NW
All nominations should be received by the Returning Officer, Abi Walcott-Daniel, at the address or website as detailed above, by 5pm on Wednesday 31st July 2024.
Should any nominee wish to withdraw their nomination, they must put this in writing to the Returning Officer by 5pm on Monday 5th August 2024.
For all contested constituencies voting will open on Tuesday 20th August 2024. Voting will close at 5pm on Tuesday 10th September 2024.