We understand the importance of visits to patients from friends and family. We hope this information gives you everything you need to know about your visit to Liverpool Women’s such as what facilities we have and how to find us.
You are welcome to visit your relatives or friends in hospital during visiting hours. These can vary depending on which ward you are visiting so please check before you set off. It is worth checking the appropriateness of visiting depending on the patient’s personal circumstances with either family members or the ward staff.
Helping us with hygiene
At Liverpool Women’s we work hard to maintain high standards of infection prevention & control. We would therefore ask all visitors use our alcohol gel hand rub every time you visit a patient.
Patients and visitors can also help us to keep clean and tidy by disposing of any litter thoroughly. We also ask that if any patients or visitors have any concerns about the standard of cleanliness on any of our wards that they contact a member of staff or the Patient Facilities Manager on 0151 702 4150 immediately.