The Vulval Clinic offers a service to women with vulval conditions such as skin complaints of the vulva like lichen sclerosus and vulval pain known as vulvodynia.
The clinic is delivered by:
Dr Hazel Bell (Consultant Dermatologist)
Mr John Kirwan (Consultant Gynaecologist/Oncologist)
Dr Jay Scanlon (Specialist in Vulval Medicine)
Ms Angela Robinson-Jones (Consultant Nurse)
What will happen
The clinic assesses vulval conditions in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. Investigations such as swabs and biopsies can be taken during your visit and referral to other specialities can be arranged if required. The clinic is consultant-led and staffed by both male and female doctors, clinicians and nurses. In addition, each month a clinic is attended by a consultant dermatologist and problems that have proved difficult to manage can be discussed prior to the clinic in a multi-disciplinary team meeting.
Location & clinic times
Clinics are held at Liverpool Women’s Crown Street site in gynaecology outpatients Tuesday afternoons, between 1pm and 5pm and Thursday mornings between 9am and 12noon.
Contact us
If you need to rearrange or cancel your appointment, please contact outpatients on 0151 708 9988 ext: 4612, between 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. An answer machine is available out of hours. If you require any clinical information about your outpatients’ appointment please ring 0151 708 9988 ext: 4617.