If you require an operation you will be asked to attend a nurse-led, pre-operative clinic to give you all the information you need about your planned surgery and care. It’s also a chance for you or your family to ask any questions you might have. The nurses will also arrange any blood tests or other investigations that might be necessary before your operation. You will be offered the opportunity to attend a pre-operative clinic on the same day as your outpatient appointment and this may involve a short wait. If this isn’t convenient for you, you will be asked to return at a later date. Please visit the patient area where you will find useful information to help you prepare for your stay.
What will happen
The nurse that you see in the pre-operative clinic will check your medical history and take details of previous illnesses, operations and pregnancies. It would be helpful if you could bring with you a list of all medicines that you are currently taking. If you have any additional problems, the staff may seek advice from an anaesthetist or physician before your operation. A few simple tests such as blood pressure, urine test, ECG and sometimes a chest x-ray will be needed.
Location and clinic times
Pre-operative clinics are held at both Liverpool Women’s Crown Street site and at the Aintree Centre for Women’s Health.
At Liverpool Women’s, clinics are held in a dedicated area of gynaecological outpatients on the ground floor of the hospital, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm .
At the Aintree Centre for Women’s Health, clinics are held in the ground floor, gynaecology outpatient department, Tuesday and Friday, between 9am and 5pm.
Contact us
If you need to rearrange or cancel your appointment, please contact Gynaecology Access Centre on 0151 702 4328 (option 1), between 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. An answer machine is available out of hours. If you require any clinical information about your outpatients’ appointment please ring 0151 708 9988 ext: 4617.