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What we do

Our main role is to diagnose and counsel families with possible or known inherited disorders. We receive referrals for families who have or at risk of a having a genetic condition. Our team of specialists support families by providing:

  • An accurate diagnosis
  • Information about how a genetic condition may develop
  • Assessments on the risk of transmitting a genetic condition 
  • Support for families with understandable information and counselling

From your initial appointment, we will provide as much information as possible about your reason for visiting us and discuss the options and course of actions that are right for you and your family. Not everyone who comes to our service has a genetic condition or is eligible for genetic testing

How we help individuals and families 

There are lots of other ways we help individuals and families. In the main we:

  • help patients to understand the types of genetic testing available.
  • help patients to understand the possible outcomes and implications of this genetic testing. 
  • help patients understand health information about a genetic condition. 
  • help patients and their family adapt to the impact of a genetic condition for their future health. 
  • help patients to understand the genetic risks for current and/or future children.  
  • help patients with, or at risk of, a genetic condition by referring them for appropriate ongoing screening.   
  • help patients to find support through the NHS, or associated charities, on living with a genetic condition.