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Liverpool Women's

BLOG: One Born - Episode 7 - Birthing your way

Blog by Gill Houghton, Consultant Midwife For Normality, 4th May 2016

For some women it's very important they feel like they’ve given birth to their babies themselves and not relied upon medical assistance. Of course, not all women feel this desire and in fact increasing numbers of women are considering an operative birth without medical need. We all have different needs, priorities and circumstances that can influence our birth choices. Women should discuss their feelings and any concerns they have about birth with their midwife throughout pregnancy. There is then plenty of time and opportunity to explore all options and consider all the pros and cons, before making any decisions or plans for the birth.

For the gorgeous Tina in tonight’s programme her two previous births by caesarean section didn’t really tick all the boxes in terms of birth experience and she is left feeling like she has missed out. 

After discussing the options of having another caesarean or planning a normal birth Tina is clear that she wants to give birth to her baby herself. Midwife Jo is careful to monitor for sign of any problems developing throughout the labour and encourages Tina to use the "all fours" position to help the birth along.

What a fabulous moment it is when Tina is pushing with all her strength and getting ready to meet her baby with the biggest grin on her face.  Midwife Jo is quite right when she tells Tina that "not many smile at this part". It is a delight to see that Tina's joy and sense of achievement when she cries "I did it". You most certainly did and so beautifully too, well done Tina, just perfect.

Women who have given birth by caesarean section previously are just as likely as women having a first baby to achieve a normal birth and avoid surgery. If you have has a caesarean birth previously and would like to find out more about your options for birth please speak with your midwife. More information is also available at:


At Liverpool Women's all midwives provide information and support for women who have previously given birth by caesarean. Additional support and advice is also available in our Best Birth Choice Clinic where you women discuss their plans for birth with a Consultant Midwife and a Consultant Obstetrician.

04 May 2016