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Toxic Air is a Health Emergency

Clean Air Day 2021 is Thursday 17 June. Clean Air Day is the UK's largest air pollution campaign which helps to drive a positive shift in public knowledge and action; and is a chance to find out more about air pollution, share information, and make the air cleaner and healthier for everyone.

This year’s theme is “protect our children’s health from air pollution”.

How are you traveling around today, can you walk, cycle, scoot or use public transport?

Prolonged exposure to toxic air shortens people’s lives and is damaging to the lungs of our children and grandchildren. Every year almost 1,000 people across the city of Liverpool die prematurely because of poor air quality and exposure to the toxic air contributes to a wide range of long-term health conditions, such as lung cancer, heart attacks, stroke and diabetes. It is also linked to low birth weight and children’s lung development and may even contribute to mental health issues.

John Kirwan, Consultant at Liverpool Women’s Hospital said: “I am part of the clean air campaign as I am very concerned about this invisible killer.

One in five schools in Liverpool are in areas where pollution exceeds the World Health Organizations’ guidelines for particulate matter. This could be stunting the growth of their lungs and putting children with asthma at risk of attacks.

Liverpool has a long history of public health, Liverpool’s Dr Duncan – Britain’s First Medical Office of Health, the provision of clean water, public baths, safe housing and community medicine.

It is time now for Liverpool to lead the way in air quality too and for this to be at the heart of our green recovery and climate emergency response.

Are you a driver? Idling is a significant contributor to local air pollution. It is less polluting to turn your engine off and restart it after a minute or longer than to leave your engine running. Turn off your engine when your vehicle is stationary, and it is safe to do so.

You are the key to cleaner air.”

Thank you to Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation for providing banners, posters and leaflets to help raise awareness.  

Find out more about creating cleaner air and how you can help visit

17 June 2021