Finding out we were over 15 weeks is a huge relief. Little One has slam dunked the treacherous first trimester and seems to be well.
When we got home after the scan Daddy and I got creative with the card and glue and made greetings cards for both sets of grandparents with the scan on the front and a little message inside:-
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
I am very much looking forward to meeting you.
I have been very busy these last few weeks growing my arms and legs. They say I have a nice strong heartbeat and mummy and daddy are both very proud.
Looking forward to lots of cuddles.
Lots of Love
Little One xxx
As luck would have it both sets of grandparents get on well, so we (with some help from my sister) managed to engineer dinner with them both together on the evening of the scan.
During the meal I slipped the cards to both mums. The news was very well received (Daddy's mum insists that the hysterical crying was happy)!
Everyone decided to have a little play guessing Little One's sex, date of birth, weight, and time of birth and we have made a note of the answers for a bit of fun.
When they dropped us home after dinner we asked Daddy's parents if they wanted to come in for a drink. Granny had other plans, saying she had to get home as she had calls to make!
I don't think Little One is going to be short of love when s/he comes out!
Clinical Comment
Simon Mehigan Consultant Midwife
What a lovely way to share your news. As your pregnancy progresses you will find that grandparents can be a useful source of helpful advice and even more so in the few weeks after your baby arrives. Things do change though and what might have been common practice 20 or 30 years ago when your parents were expecting may no longer hold true. If your ever unsure about the advice your being given then talk to you midwife or take a look at The Pregnancy Book.
I'm going to guess a girl 7lbs 2, born on a Tuesday just before midnight.......
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