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LWH and HFC will be Marching with Pride

Join us for a vibrant celebration of love, acceptance, and equality at the Liverpool Pride March.

Come one, come all to the most colourful and inclusive event of the year. On 29 July 2023 teams from Liverpool Women’s and the Hewitt Fertility Centre will gather at St Georges Plateau to march together, united in support of the LGBTQ+ community. This is our time to shine and to embrace our identities.

The Pride March is not just a parade; it is a powerful symbol of solidarity and a call for equality. It is an opportunity for people of all genders, sexual orientations, and backgrounds to come together, support one another, and amplify our collective voices. Let's stand together as a vibrant and diverse community, celebrating our uniqueness and demanding a world free from discrimination.

We invite allies, families, friends, and community members to join us in this joyous event. Together, we can create change and foster an inclusive society where everyone can live their truth without fear or prejudice. Let's march together, side by side, spreading love, acceptance, and pride throughout our city.

Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable experience at the Pride March – Saturday 29 July 2023, St Georges Plateau. Together, we will create a sea of positivity, celebrating the progress we have made and advocating for a future where everyone is accepted and respected for who they are. See you there!

02 June 2023