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by Anna

Girls on Film (abnormality scan) (week 20)

Up on the bed, belly out, jelly on and we're ready to rock and roll.

We were excited but thought we knew what to expect having already had the dating scan just 5 weeks ago. This scan took a lot longer and was so much more detailed though. We were shown everything. The sonographer checked over each bit of Little One’s body and everything was so detailed.

I had to move onto my side for part of the scan so that everything could be assessed but aside from that Little One was very compliant with the scanning process and the sonographer was able to check everything out. She (yes, she!) even did a little wee whilst her bladder and kidneys were being checked (showmanship she clearly gets from her father!).

It was very strange to think the wriggly little person on the screen was actually inside me.

The scan went well and no foetal abnormalities were detected.

The only bad thing that the scan picked up on was that my placenta was lying low. Because of this I have to have another scan nearer the time to check the placental position at about 34 weeks. If the placenta stays low then it might block Little One’s way out and a c-section may be recommended.

The sonographer did not seem overly concerned. She said that the vast majority of low placentas detected at 20 weeks will have moved to a better position in good time for the birth.

On the plus side it is an excuse to see Little One again further down the line.

Clinical Comment


 Simon Mehigan Consultant Midwife

As your sonographer said most (9 out of 10) low lying placentas detected at the 20 week scan will have moved by the time you are rescanned at 34 weeks. Your womb is like a balloon, as it gets bigger it stretches and as it does it moves the placenta up and out of the way of your baby.

If you do have any blood loss before your follow up scan contact the hospital and let them know your placenta was low lying at your last scan. They will invite you in to be checked over.

You can find out more about your 20 week scan from the national screening committee booklet for pregnancy. You can also find out more about low lying placentas by referring to the RCOG low lying placeneta patient information leaflet.

A girl you say? Nice to see my psychic powers are on top form!

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06 September 2012