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by Kathryn Thomson

Chief Executive

Follow our patient Anna as she blogs her first pregnancy

This week I'd like to introduce you to Anna, one of our mums-to-be. Anna is 32 and this is her first pregnancy - an experience she is going to be sharing with you and us over the coming months.

During those months Anna will be charting her pregnancy through her patient blog which you can find on our website under 'blogs'. It is something that Anna and the Trust are very excited about. We are keen to have as much feedback as we can from women who choose our hospital for their pregnancy and for all those who use our services.

Anna is a real-life woman who works in the city but for the purposes of the blog she will be anonymous. As well as respecting her patient confidentiality we also want a true reflection of her experiences and don't want her to have any special treatment. That way we can measure how we are doing in terms of caring for women and their partners at this most special time of their lives.

As Anna says in her first blog there is so much information about pregnancy out there on the Internet that it can be confusing. Also, Anna found that it was not specific enough for her. What she wanted to know was what was going to happen in her own pregnancy and how things were done by her own hospital and midwife. She fed that back to us and we discussed the sort of information she would like to have found. The result is her blog.

When she has questions which may in fact be relevant to other women, our experts will provide the answers. If she has criticisms, these will also be addressed and responded to. Anna is also keen to have feedback from other women which you can send her by emailing This is a site that we encourage all our patients to use if they want to tell us about their experiences, good or bad. We are always looking to improve patient experience so receiving your comments is invaluable.

We're really grateful to Anna for sharing her pregnancy with us and with you and look forward to following her progress in the coming months as I am sure you will once you get to know her.

28 March 2012