This is going to be a tough week for everyone working in the NHS when we hear the findings into the failings in care at Mid Staffordshire Hospitals. I know it will be traumatic reading for the families and friends of the patients impacted by the failings. It will also be traumatic reading for the many thousands of staff who work in the NHS and care so passionately for patients each and every day. Sorry seems to be such an inadequate word at times like this.
At Liverpool Women's we are committed to listening to feedback from people who access our services. You will have heard me say before that whilst the vast majority of patients receive outstanding care from Liverpool Women's we don't always get it right. At our Board of Directors meeting and other significant management meetings we begin the meeting with a patient story, these can at times be incredibly uncomfortable to listen to but I think it is important for the most senior and influential people in the organisation to understand the impact we have on peoples lives when we get it wrong. As CEO the most difficult and humbling part of my job is when I meet with patients and families and hear first hand how it felt for them. Again, sorry at times seems such an inadequate word.
Whilst it is important, particularly this week, to acknowledge when healthcare fails, I also believe it is important to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions our staff and volunteers make to the care delivered to our patients. Each year we hold our Focussing on Excellence Awards. This year's category list is as follows:
- Excellence in Innovation and Improvement (Clinical)
- Excellence in Innovation and Improvement (Non-clinical)
- Excellence in research One Team: One Goal (team working and partnerships)
- Making Liverpool Women's a great place to work
- Making Liverpool Women's a great place to receive care
- Learner of the year
- Employee of the Year Award
- The Terry Kay Volunteer of the Year Award
- Excellence in Patient Care Award (nominations received directly from patients and families)
Our Focussing on Excellence Awards ceremony will take place on the evening of Thursday 28th March 2013 and I am looking forward to the celebrations..... our teams get very competitive.