Daddy and I are in panic mode and are trying to do all those things that will be harder once Little One joins us. This involves us getting tickets for pretty much anything we hear about; eating at restaurants we have been meaning to try for a while; and getting in a few mini breaks.
With hindsight perhaps France was not the best option as I spent much of it drooling over cheese I won’t eat or wine I won't drink. It was a nice short direct flight though and Paris is beautiful enough that I could cope with the condescending looks from waiters when ordering incinerated steak.
I'm not entirely sure why you need a certificate for third trimester when people with real medical conditions are often allowed straight through but it worked to our advantage. I never knew you could get an upgrade on a budget airline but we got to go on with the speedy boarders. Result. Little One is already getting the VIP treatment.
Downside to being out and about was the endless toilet trail... Within about 10 minutes of going I'm "desperate" again. The toilet hunt begins resulting in little more than a drop.
I wonder if this is some sort of preparation for having a toddler and having to make regular toilet stops.
Little One has also "popped" this week. Whilst away to be precise. She sure knows how to be awkward! It was not ideal discovering that my coat didn't fit whilst getting dressed on a particularly nippy morning. I can testify that traipsing round in the cold trying to find a coat/ jacket/ warm cardigan that would keep me warm; fit me; and not make me look frumpy in an unfamiliar place is not fun. We got there in the end even though it hardly fitted in with my romantic ideas of what a shopping trip in Paris should be!
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