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Changes to Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) - applies from 1st June 2021

From 1st June 2021 we will be changing the way we offer non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) here at Liverpool Women's.  This is in line with the NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP).

The changes are outlined below:

When you book into pregnancy care you will be offered 1st trimester screening for Downs, Edwards & Pataus syndromes via the combined test – this will still be done with the NT scan & bloods at around 11-14 weeks of pregnancy.  If you cannot have the combined screen you will be offered the quad screen. 

If the result from the combined or quad screening comes back as ‘high chance’ (more than 1 in 150 chance of baby being affected by one of the 3 syndromes), then the screening midwife will offer you a further test; the NIPT. 

If the NIPT comes back as high chance the Fetal Medicine Specialist Midwife will contact you and offer you further invasive diagnostic testing.

All women have the option to decide if they would like all, some or none of the screening tests offered to them. The same applies for the further testing, women can decide if they want all, some or none of the tests they are offered.

For more information please read the PHE patient information ‘Screening tests for you and your baby’. Available in 12 alternative languages 

26 May 2021