There were over 18,000 missed appointments at Liverpool Women’s NHS FT last year, costing almost £1 million – that is the equivalent cost of employing 26 nurses or midwives.
We understand that due to the long wait for appointments, some patients on our waiting lists no longer require their appointment. Over the next few weeks we will be sending text messages to some patients to ask if they still require their appointment.
This will ask you to reply to the text to confirm that you still need to attend. This will greatly help us see patients faster and allow people who no longer need their appointment to communicate this to us easily.
If you receive this text message, please make sure that you respond. The text will come from ‘Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust’ with a follow up message confirming your response.
- Please note this is a free service, and you will not be charged for receiving texts.
Do not worry if you do not receive a message or cannot respond, this will not affect your status on the waiting list unless you reply telling us you no longer need your appointment.
Thank you for your ongoing patience and support.