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by Kathryn Thomson

Chief Executive

Another exciting week at Liverpool Women's

Last week was an interesting and varied week.  The first part of my week was spent in London at the launch of the UK Uganda Health Alliance.  I attended a dinner in Manchester with other key leaders and Ugandan officials on Friday.

I met up with David Richmond, Consultant Urogynaecologist and former Medical Director at LWH.  David is currently the Vice President of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  It was a great opportunity for us to discuss how we influence women's health issues at a national and international level. He always has great ideas.

I spent some time at our Hewitt Fertility centre with Professor Charles Kingsland, Consultant in Reproductive Medicine, senior nurses on the unit and colleagues from Edge Hill University.  We are in the process of designing an MSc for infertility nurses, the first of its kind in the UK.  The course will take its first candidate in September 2013.

This morning it was our monthly Trust Management Group which is Chaired by myself and comprises all Executive Directors, Senior Operational Managers and Clinical Directors.  We had some important issues to debate, a review of the impact of our leadership programmes, a review into our pharmacy services and implications of the Francis Report into failings with Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust.

The meeting was followed by our Service Sustainability Board which is Chaired by John Kirwan, Consultant Gynaeoncologist and Clinical Director of Gynaecology.  The Board oversees our programmes to reduce cost whilst ensuring the safety and quality of our services are not compromised.  We also signed off plans to develop and refurbish our reception area and work has begun on this project this morning.

18 February 2013