Being the CEO of a hospital brings many high points and low points as you grapple with the significant challenges facing the NHS. Despite a number of significant challenges that we are facing at present, there are always amazing things happening here.
If you are a regular reader of my blogs you will have heard me talk about two of our biggest supporters at Liverpool Women’s, Steve and Vikki Greenhall, who set up a charity to raise money for Liverpool Women’s in memory of their daughter Mia Rose. I was delighted to hear that Mia is now a big sister. Indi-Mai was born recently at our hospital. At last Kyran gets to take home a little sister. The Liverpool Echo did an article on the family this week and you can access it through this link
Our Gynaecology team have recently raised over £1000 for the charity TargetOvarian, who raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer. Well done to all involved.
Liverpool Women’s receives many visitors from near and far. Last week the Prime Minister of Macedonia made a visit and had a look around our Hospital, our reputation for excellent clinical services certainly spreads near and far.
Our Breast Feeding team are holding an event this Wednesday, 2nd July from 11am to 3pm in our Blair Bell Education Centre, please come along to learn more about breast feeding.
A massive thank you to all who took part in our '2 The Women’s On 2 Wheels' charity cycling event last week. 20 of our staff rode from Birmingham Women's Hospital to our own hospital across two days in order to raise money for our Kitty Appeal, a total distance of 107 miles. They were welcomed home late on the Sunday evening by a huge crowd of proud relatives, friends and colleagues - it was such an inspiring moment seeing #TeamKitty entering the hospital grounds… what an amazing achievement!
While #TeamKitty had been riding up from the midlands, staff from various departments within our hospital had been tackling the 24hr 'Spinathon'. This was a great event and was so keenly contested that it actually ended in a tie between our Gynae team (The Menstrual Cyclists) and our Neonatal team. Well done to everyone who took part and to Lisa Masters for organising the whole weekend!