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Membership benefits

There are currently around 12,500 members (as at February 2011) of our Foundation Trust, all of whom share a common interest in the quality of healthcare in their local area. There are many benefits to being a member:

  • Influence the way our services are developed by being a part of the 12,500+ membership community
  • Stand for election to our Council of Governors
  • Vote in the Governor elections
  • Come along to our open days, seminars and events
  • Join any special interests groups we are setting up

Level of involvement

As a member, the level of involvement you have is entirely up to you. You could choose to do some fund raising; you could become a volunteer; attend one of the many open days or talks that we hold; or you may just want to receive regular information about the Trust. 

You might even decide you want to take on a major role in deciding the future of Liverpool Women's and stand for election to the Council of Governors, which represents all members of the Trust and meets four times a year.