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Volunteer testimonials

  • Norma Renwick - 10 Year Service Volunteer on the MAU
    "My name is Norma, I am a volunteer on the Medical Assessment Unit and I have been a volunteer at Liverpool Women's for over 10 years.

    I arrive for duty at 9am, I sign in, and then report to the ward.  I ask the Healthcare Assistant if there is anything that she needs me to do.  I then help with any cleaning and stock that needs to be done.  Sometimes I am asked to check Woman's Urine samples, saving midwives a bit of time.  I make tea and toast for any patients that need it, and tea's for the staff, and help them in any way possible.  I also do some photocopying and get brown notes' for women who are staying in hospital.

    Everyday can be different and I wouldn't have lasted this long had I not enjoyed it.  The staff really make me feel part of the team."

  • Michael O’Hanlon - Volunteer for over 10 years
    Michael O’Hanlon has learning difficulties and has delivered the mail to clinics and departments at Liverpool Women's for over 10 years!
  • Sharon Wilde - Returning volunteer
    "Volunteering at the Liverpool Women's is more than just making tea and toast; it's about making a difference where it counts, with the patients and their families"

    (Picture - Sharon & her beautiful twins James & Grace)

  • Chris Jackson - Volunteer on The Hewitt Fertility Centre
    "For 10 years I have worked with a friendly, caring team and feel I belong.  It is very rewarding knowing that my contribution really helps"
  • Rob Cushion - Volunteer on Delivery Suite
    "I started on Delivery Suite in 2013, to gain working knowledge and experience of the NHS with the aim of going on to further study at university in the field of Nursing/Midwifery. My volunteering has enabled me to be around hardworking, dedicated, and inspiring staff and develop my overall knowledge of maternity services"
  • Karen Hughes - Former volunteer
    "I started volunteering 18 months ago and have loved every second of it.

    My reasons for volunteering were to gain an insight into working in a hospital as a midwife, a career I was considering training for.

    I've volunteered on MLU/Jeffcoate, Gynae and Matbase.  My time here has paid off as I have been accepted to study midwifery at Canterbury University this September."

  • Gabrielle Hoare 2014 - Student midwife
    "I really enjoyed my time volunteering on MLU.  I volunteered in The Women’s for about 10 months and my experience working alongside patients and staff has really increased my confidence and communication skills.  The knowledge I gained has been invaluable.  It helped me gain a place at University to study Midwifery.  All the staff made me feel welcome and valued, and it was a pleasure to come in each week.  I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to volunteer here and would definitely encourage others to do so"