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by Kathryn Thomson

Chief Executive

Providing Quality Services All Over the North West

Monday was the start of our revised approach to staff engagement across the Trust.  Michelle Turner, Director of Human Resources and I spent an enjoyable couple of hours on our Delivery Suite and Induction and Assessment Unit. A big thank you to the Midwives, Health Care Assistants and Ward Clerk who took time out of their busy day to discuss issues of interest with us. 

Tuesday morning commenced with our Partnership Forum.  This is an opportunity for us to meet with Trade Union Representatives from across the Trust and some full-time Trade Union Officers.  We are very fortunate to have motivated and talented individuals representing the interests of our staff at Liverpool Women's.

Tuesday was one of our regular visits to the Aintree Centre for Women's Health.  Gail Naylor our Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Operations and I spent some time with our staff based at Aintree Hospital. The Aintree Centre for Women's Health is an important part of Liverpool Women's and enables us to provide gynaecology and maternity services closer to home for women in the north of the city.  As well as Nurse and Midwifery led services our Consultants provide consultant led services at Aintree.  On Tuesday a number of our consultants were at Aintree, Dr Mark Clement-Jones, Consultant Obstetrician, Dr Geoff Shaw, Consultant Gynaecologist and Dr George Botras, Consultant Gynaecologist.  I always look forward to my visits to the staff here; they are always so welcoming with lots of ideas on how we can further improve services for our patients.  They also make the best cup of tea!!

Also on Tuesday we held our first 'tweet the midwife’ session with the Maple team of Midwives in Kirkby.  It was great to see women engaging in this way through social media. Well done to our Midwives and our Communications Team. If you live in Kirkby watch this space over the next few weeks for some exciting new developments in accessing our services in that part of the city. 

Wednesday was another interesting day.  Jeff Johnston our General Manager was briefing me on exciting developments in our gynaecology services. A lot of women who live on the Wirral choose to come to Liverpool Women's Hospital for treatment.  Liverpool Women's Hospital has now been approved under the 'any qualified provider' regulations to directly provide services on the Wirral.  This means that for a lot of Wirral residents you will soon be able to access some of our services without having to travel to Liverpool. More on this in the next few weeks. Having Europe's largest Women's Hospital within easy access is something to be thankful for. Many of our patients travel hundreds of miles to access the world renowned services at Liverpool Women's Hospital.  

On Wednesday afternoon I was again providing evidence to the Mayor's Commission on Health.  My evidence this time was in my capacity as the lead Chief Executive for Cheshire and Merseyside on Workforce, Education and Training. 

On Wednesday evening we welcomed a number of General Practitioners and other health professionals to our new Hewitt Fertility Centre in Knutsford.  It has been an exciting week as the first patients have started their treatment in Knutsford.  At Liverpool Women's we know how much these treatments mean to the people accessing them. We now have the best success rates in the United Kingdom and our success rates are comparable to the best in the world.  We are determined to improve our success rates year on year to give our patients, whether NHS funded or privately funded the best chance of having a baby.

It is an exciting weekend for football fans on Merseyside. The derby between Liverpool and Everton is always stressful. I sometimes wonder which causes me more stress my job or football!!!!!  Remember my beloved redmen - 'Sometimes it is not enough to do our best; we must do what is required' - Winston Churchill.

Have a great weekend.

02 May 2013